Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blame It On Gay Marriage $1,000 Reward

The US environmental policy is being dismantled by a government in denial, while more and more evidence pours in about global warming (small things like hurricane Katina).

Politicians cry about our dependency on foreign oil while our cars are getting bigger and bigger and government doesnt do anything to really improve gas mileage. Their only suggested solution is going into our reserves in pristine Alaska and using that up too.

Its sort of like the family who cant budget then blames the banks and the credit card companies for having to spend their retirement account on a Hummer so they can look more macho than they feel.

And then what about the domestic problems? We are worried about the Mexicans coming up here and taking our jobs at the same time tons of higher paying jobs the ones Americans really want, are being shipped abroad without a word when was the last time you called Microsoft or HP or AOL and didnt get India?

And I keep hearing about more freedom, less government and less spending while what I see is less freedom, more government and the biggest debt our nation has ever faced.

How about those tax cuts but this is confusing because to have a True Tax Cut, you have to reduce spending anything else is a tax re-distribution. If the government keeps spending more and the rich keep paying less, someone else ends up with the bill. Thats redistribution its the middle class and the poor footing the bill.

I am also told our government is at war on terror and yet that seems to be the only thing they are promoting terror. I am much more afraid to travel abroad now than ever. We are making enemies around the world at an alarming rate.

And what are we doing to solve all of these problems? Were attacking the gay people of America. The one thing almost all of our current government officials can agree on is its the gays fault. We cant even have them in the military or the most powerful fighting machine in the world will fall apart (thats a scary thought).

We cant have them getting married or the institution of marriage will fall apart? These are incredibly powerful people, if all this is true. I say send a small group to Iraq and the terrorist will run in TERROR.

I have spent years as a communication coach, teaching in government, schools, prisons and to the public. And, not once, have I met anyone who has said their marriage was great until those gay guys down the street got married (or for that matter started living together). No one has told me they had a good job with great pay but when the gay women next door got married, they just stopped going to work, started drinking the next day and before they knew it they were beating the wife and molesting the kids.

Believe me, from my work in prison, I heard almost every story you can image and many you cant, but I have never heard of a good relationship falling apart because of the gays getting married. So now it time to ask yourself and your government whats really important

Dear government officials Kevin Lundberg, Marylyn Musgrave, President Bush:

Its time to stop wasting tax payer dollars and your time and go to work solving real issues but first let me put my money where my mouth is. I will personally pay a $1,000 donation to the charity of your choice if you can prove to a panel of experts (counselors and therapists) that any couple had a normal, healthy relationship with good communication, and that relationship was destroyed because some gay people got married.

Clean water and air for the future, jobs in America worth having, energy prices we can afford, a foreign policy that doesnt antagonize the rest of the world so its safe to travel, an education system that has funding and oh yeah what about health care and social security?

Are those things more important or do we want our government to focus all of its power, resources and your tax dollars on preventing gays from enjoying the frustration, upsets, heart-break and challenges of marriage the rest us suffer?

This isnt about me being gay and needing y rights to be protected. This is about leaders actually leading. Please, please, please... stop the stupid witch hunt and start leading us. Cause our thinking to expand, not contract. Create hope, possibility and inclusion, not fear and separation. Use your power to create a tomorrow our kids can be proud of.

Paul & Kristin teach The Relationship Magic Series The 4 Steps To Instant Intimacy The 5 Relationship-Wrecking Mistakes The 7 Secret Keys To a Relationship Oasis free report http://www.magicRelationship.com/freeaccess.Amelina Blog45172
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